With $29,276 in prizemoney up for grabs, NRL.com's Bundaberg NRL Tipping is the where you should set up your office footy tipping league this season.
Create up to five private leagues for colleagues, family and friends, and get your tips in at any time right up to match kick-off. Compete with your own league and the entire overall competition.
On top of regular tipping, try your hand at two mini-games: Eliminator, where you pick one winner a week and attempt to build the best 'winning streak' in the competition; and One Team Tip, where you pick a single team and predict their result each week. There is also a bonus Finals Series game over the four weeks of the NRL Finals.
By entering, you'll be in the running for plenty of prizes. The overall champion wins two NRL Grand Final tickets, airfares, transfers, two nights accommodation in the Sydney CBD and $2000 spending money in a sensational Grand Final prize pack, plus a Bundaberg gift pack and a framed photo with plaque as a memento of the win.
Second place wins $1000, third takes home $500, and the best tipper of the week, every week, will win $250 plus four NRL tickets.
There will also be a club champion for all 16 NRL clubs, each of whom will take home a club prize pack, plus $500 cheques for the winners of the Eliminator, One Team Tip and Finals Series games.
It's all free and easy to play. Click the link below to get started.