North Queensland Cowboys coach Paul Green has named Holden Cup flyer Gideon Gela-Mosby on the wing ahead of the Cowboys' clash with the Gold Coast Titans on Saturday night. 

Javid Bowen will move into the centre position for the injured Justin O'Neill, with Gela-Mosby taking the wing, the same position he score 39 tries in at under 20s level in 2015. 

Green is excited at the prospect of having the young speed-man on the edge. 

"He knows where the try-line is, he scored a heap of tries playing in the under 20s," Green said.

"These periods in a season, they give you the opportunity to see what some of those younger guys can bring to the table. 

"His trial form was really good, we've all seen what he did in the Nines… and I'm excited to see what he can do for us." 

Gela-Mosby may have an extended stay in the Cowboys side, with O'Neill's hamstring strain predicted to leave him on the sideline for four weeks. 

Kyle Feldt has been spared any serious injury, and is hopeful to play on Saturday, providing the swelling in his knee reduces. 

Green hasn't made any changes to the forward pack, but wants the young players to improve their performance. 

"Defensively they need to be a bit better, and they're aware of that and they're a bit disappointed with their performance as a pack so I'd like to see a reaction from them this week," he said.  

Full team: Kalyn Ponga, Kyle Feldt, Javid Bowen, Kane Linnett, Gideon Gela-Mosby, Michael Morgan, Johnathan Thurston, Patrick Kaufusi, Jake Granville, Scott Bolton, Gavin Cooper, Coen Hess, Ethan Lowe, Ben Hampton, John Asiata, Shaun Fensom, Sam Hoare.