NRL CEO Todd Greenberg said today a $12 million pledge from the Victorian Government for a new Victorian Rugby League State Centre was a huge boost for Rugby League in the state.

The Andrews Labor Government in Victoria today announced plans for the facility, which will be delivered in partnership with the NRL, NRL Victoria and the Melbourne Storm.

The proposed new Victorian Rugby League State Centre in Broadmeadows will host training camps, state level matches and tournaments, and is likely to host more than 10,000 players per year.

It will serve as a dedicated, year-round facility to strengthen player, coach and official development, support female participation while housing Melbourne Storm programs, as well as NRL Victoria and Touch Football Victoria.

Mr Greenberg acknowledged the significant contribution from the Andrews Labor Government which will have enormous benefits for Rugby League in Victoria.

"This is a significant development for grassroots Rugby League as well as for the development of the women's game," Mr Greenberg said.

"This facility has enormous benefits, including the potential for increased participation and improved player identification and recruitment.

"NRL Victoria would run all junior elite programs from the facility, while it could host national championships, as well as visiting NRL or State of Origin teams.

"It could also host our important community programs including Voice Against Violence, State of Mind and In League in Harmony.

"There is also no doubt that this facility could be used in the future for a Melbourne Storm women’s team."