Panthers prop Jack Hetherington has recieved a one-match ban over a tackle on Cowboys forward Shaun Fensom.

Hetherington pleaded guilty to a grade one charge of making dangerous contact to the head or neck, and will be unavailable for this week's match against the Knights in Newcastle.

Meanwhile Canberra forward Joseph Tapine is free to play this week but will have 90 carry-over points to his name after pleading guilty to a dangerous throw on Titans skipper Ryan James.

Player   Jack Hetherington 
Club  Panthers 
Minute of match  32nd 
Charge/incident  Dangerous contact - head/neck 
Charge grade 
Result  Guilty - early plea 
Matches to serve 
Points/fine calculation  135 
Carry-over points  35 
Misconduct on whom?  Shaun Fensom 
Player Joseph Tapine 
Club Raiders 
Minute of match 68th 
Charge/incident Dangerous throw 
Charge grade
Result Guilty - early plea 
Matches to serve
Points/fine calculation 90 
Carry-over points 90 
Misconduct on whom?  Ryan James